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The 76th paper has been accepted in Advanced Functional Materials (IF: 18.81)!

최종 수정일: 2022년 10월 9일

The 76th paper has been accepted in Advanced Functional Materials (IF: 18.81).

Title: Dynamic Ionic Transport Actuated by Nanospinbar-dispersed Colloidal Electrolytes Toward Dendrite-free Electrodeposition

Authors: Minhong Lim, Suhwan Kim, Junsik Kang, Dahee Jin, Hyeongguk An, Hyuntae Lee, Joonam Park, Hochun Lee*, Yong Min Lee*, Hongkyung Lee*

*Co-corresponding authors

This paper is selected as a cover of the journal!

조회수 127회댓글 0개

최근 게시물

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The 89th paper has been accepted in Heliyon!

The 89th paper has been accepted in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. (IF: 4). Title: Thermal Stability Analysis of Nitrile Additives in LiFSI for Lithium-Ion Batteries: An Accelerating Rate

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